Collaborative Partners
The colleagues below have come together to work on a QAA collaborative enhancement project which evaluates how a range of institutions have responded to the mandate for block delivery considering the implications for the student experience, assessment, student support, and pedagogic practice.

Dr Rebecca Turner – Associate Professor in Educational Development at the University of Plymouth and Principal Fellow of the HEA.
Rebecca supported the evaluation of block delivery when it was introduced to the first-year curriculum, considering student and staff experiences, as well as the implications for pedagogic and assessment practice.
In addition to researching block delivery, Rebecca also undertakes work to examine student voice and promote inclusive practice. Full details of Rebecca’s research publications can be accessed using this link.

Dr Alice Graeupl BA (Hons), MA, PhD, SFHEA – Manchester Metropolitan University
Alice is a is a Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University. Alice is currently the Interim Deputy Head of Department for Economics, Policy and International Business as well as the Assessment Lead for the Department of Marketing, International Business and Tourism.
Her background is in Tourism Management, and she holds UG and PG degrees in this subject area. Her focus has shifted to Education research in the last few years, with the main focus being on assessments. Making assessment fun for all is her passion.

Professor Sarah Jones – University of Gloucestershire
Sarah is a Professor of Education Innovation, committed to the transformation of higher education through pedagogy, technology and future practice.
Sarah is a strategic leader in the sector after nearly a decade in television news. She is currently Pro Vice Chancellor Academic Enhancement and Research. Sarah holds a PhD in Immersive Storytelling and has published extensively on virtual and augmented reality, whilst continuing to make and create immersive experiences. She has advised the UK Government on Immersive Technologies and delivers keynotes and speaks at conferences across the world on imagining future technology and future models of education.

Professor Leanne de Main – De Montfort University (Lead Institution)
Leanne is an experienced senior leader in Higher Education, currently as Associate PVC Education (Transformation) and Deputy Dean at De Montfort University. She is a Principal Fellow with Advance HE (PFHEA), holds the CMBE with the Chartered Association of Business Schools, is a member of the British Academy of Management (BAM), an Advance HE Aurora Mentor and an Associate Member of the Association of Learning Technology (ALT). Leanne is a Peer Reviewer for the European Federation of Management Development (EFMD) supporting Business Schools globally in achieving EFMD accreditation. In January 2022, Leanne joined the Advisory Group for the QAA review of Business and Management Benchmark Statements and is currently working on two QAA Collaborative Enhancement Projects looking at student experience post-covid and Block Teaching.
Leanne researches teaching and learning, widening participation and opportunity in HE with a focus on access and participation. Her latest book, ‘Achieving Teaching Excellence’ was released in 2021.

Dr Ellen Buck PFHEA – University of Suffolk
Ellen is Director of Learning and Teaching at the University of Suffolk, where she has responsibility for the strategic development and enhancement of the University’s learning and teaching. After leading work to move the university’s learning and teaching provision online during the pandemic, Ellen began work to develop and implement a bold new Block and Blend pedagogy, launching as a pilot in September 2020. With positive indications for students in terms of continuation, success and satisfaction, this work has now been rolled out across the University’s undergraduate provision.
Ellen works as part of the AdvanceHE Strategic Advisory Group for Teaching and Learning and is also the Director for Forward Planning for the International Block and Intensive Learning and Teaching Association (IBILTA).

Dr Gayani Samarawickrema – Victoria University
Dr Gayani Samarawickrema was a Senior Lecturer of Higher Education at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia. She taught in intensive mode by offering an immersive intensive learning experience to colleagues through subjects in a Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education. Gayani also worked with colleagues across the university on their curricula and assessments as they moved their teaching into block mode. She has extensive experience in higher education practices including curriculum design and developing assessments for the Block as well as reviewing subject and courses after their offer in Block mode.
In her current Adjunct role, she continues to research and publish in the area of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). She is the co-author of the guide, Designing Learning for Intensive Modes of Study and the co-editor of the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice Special Issue on Intensive Modes of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.